Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Start 9:30

My scans of  my experiments from the previous day

Im going to continue to develope both these ideas with just a Simple image such as a symbol, i do find that the Sandpaper design once printed off is more visual interesting as the sandpaper gives the look of textured paper, the whole book could be made with this effect.

I have been looking into the symbols for my design and i have come across a few that are interesting ans that i think are relevant to the books story.
Below are scanned drawing i did of the symbols i found.

These smbols i have found i believe will would work well as they are my interperations of the book, the client may disagree and therefore would have the option to change the symbol to a symbol he believes would fit best.

Above is an intricate design i found of the symbols similar to the meaning of the cirle.

Here are my sandpaper paintings and bronze embossed image on copper sheet.
The symbols relates to the story.

The Shen Ring - Symbol of Enternity and Protection

The Symbol of Infinity

The Symbol of World Triad - Originally an oriental symbol.
                                              Other countries use this symbol for signs of  Reality or Fate, Eternal spiraling
                                               circles of time and Eternity.

This Symbol Ouroboros mean - Self Reflexivity or Cyclicality, Something constantly re-creating itself.
                                                 The Eternal Return.

Tomorrow i plan to try to place these as imagery on my book cover to start with.

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